I recently filmed a workout video using Kayla Itsines BBG (Bikini Body) guides and I thought to write a blogpost review on whether I enjoy it, does it work, where can I get it.
Keep in mind I have been using Kayla's guides for over 2 years now but on and off (I know right if I want to see results I should keep at it). I'm going to keep track of how I am going throughout the workouts, when I use them and does it work.
Firstly anyone can have a Bikini body you don't have to be a certain shape, female or male, young or older - anyone who wants to be active can use her guides! I do believe she has an app too (but I have the guide from when she first started and it's on my eBook app). The guides helps to maintain your fitness journey as it is set out over 12 weeks of workouts with 3 set workouts per week MONDAY / WEDNESDAY / FRIDAY with 2 circuits with four movements. Example: Week 1 & 3 are together which is ARMS & ABs, one circuit is about 7 minutes long then you repeat both circuits which is 28minutes out of your day to exercise - it's a perfect amount to get your heart rate up and if you're busy person it won't take you that long to complete. On the other days Kayla recommends to do LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).
I enjoy using her guides as it changes up the routine, keeps your body guessing and stronger in the long run. Since getting her guide about a year or two ago, she has added a BBG app, a second BBG guide and I recently was gifted the Bikini Body 28-Day Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Guide which is so informative and gives you motivation to eat healthier with so many choices.
To be honest I was on and off again with the guides but when I stuck with it, I could definitely feel a difference! Within the 1st guide you'll need to have a couple of weights, skipping rope to add to the resistance but now that I have joined a gym she also has a gym inspired workout guide which is great when you get stuck with what to do.
See below for a little snippet of her guides - via Pinterest.
If you haven't tried her workouts then you should definitely try it out. You never know where you could be until you push yourself and work hard towards your goal.
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