19 Mar 2016

Giving Heart

One afternoon I was laying by the beach front when I felt that I needed to spend time and refocus where my mind was taking me. So I opened up a few podcasts and I found two that had been helpful, it was talking about giving, not just your money but giving to others, what your mind focuses on, give your time to other people, to be selfless. In that releases a positive attitude to anything you put your mind to, it keeps you humble, gives you that great feeling that you have accomplished something for someone else. 

Instead of running around with different thoughts in my head, I stopped and listened that this message is for me. God works in His timing and when you take the time to zone in on Him everything will appear more clearly and in His favour. God listens to your woes and your prayers but He works all good things to those who love Him. 

"One time Jesus was with His disciples in a boat out on the water when they encountered a great storm. The disciples were very afraid, but Jesus on the other hand, was fast asleep. When the disciples woke Him to see if He could help them, Jesus got up and simply spoke to the storm, “Peace! Be still” and the seas were calm again. 

When difficult times come, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by the waves of worry or fear. Just as Jesus stood up and spoke to the storm, you have power in your words, too. The Bible says that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in every believer. He’s given you His authority to declare peace over your home, over your mind, and over your family. Remember, no matter what storms may come against you, the Greater One lives on the inside of you! Speak to your storms and walk in peace all the days of your life!"

I hope that whatever you are going through this week or the following few weeks I pray that you will have the mindset of 'what can I do for others' instead of focusing on your needs and your troubles. God sees your trials and He will pull your through it because He loves you and He gave his one and only son to the cross to die for you and your sins.


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